Puppy Academy is an 8 part half hour series that follows the latest intake of little fur balls at a Puppy Academy from their first chaotic day to their graduation. Along the way our star students, from Chihuahuas through to Great Danes, learn basic discipline, toilet training, bark control, some handy party tricks, and everything else they need to be functional members of their new family. The results inn 8 weeks can be amazing.
Shot ob-doc style, Puppy Academy is “sit forward/sit back” TV. Sit forward and take notes on the advice from vets & instructors or sit back and enjoy the fun and games. Sponsor identification, key in program messaging and licensing of content into “owned” channels are all natural extensions of the format.
The puppies personalities and characters are developed in Puppy Academy like the cast of any good Ob Doc. Within minutes of the opening frame of Ep 1 you will know who the “goody two shoes” are, who the “bad boys” are, who’s “teacher’s pet” and who’s going spend lots of time in “the naughty corner”.
The proud owners too are part of the story. We share their frustration when their little darlings get it wrong and their joy when the weeks of training finally come together.